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German Judge Uses Children Against Editor-in-Chief for Oppression of Opinion


To this day, the repressive jurisdiction of a family judge at the Ulm district court in Southern Germany aims to suppress the political opinion of a father in public and towards his children. That father is me, Sandro Groganz, founder and editor-in-chief of Freifam. The judge is Dr. Markus Bühler.

The actions of the judge are reminiscent of the community Germany GDR, where people could be threatened with non-admission to university if they did not give up contact with the church. For judge Dr. Bühler, the aim is to suppress the free exchange of opinions on shared parenting.

Shared parenting stands for equal parenthood after separation and is represented above all by the liberal party FDP in the German parliament, the Bundestag – so there is no danger from the public discussion about shared parenting, otherwise the Office for the Protection of the Constitution would have already stopped it.

Family court judge Dr. Markus Bühler took a completely different view in his decision of 11.10.2018, in which he openly asserts that shared parenting is dangerous:

“The court currently considers unsupervised contact to be incompatible with the well-being of the child because of the children’s father’s announcement that he […] will actively support shared parenting – also through his website – which causes mental stress of the children […]”.

What does this sentence mean? It means that the internet presence would emotionally burden the children of the editor-in-chief, which is why he is no longer allowed to see his children freely. Instead, the judge determined that the journalist, due to his public political opinion, may only see his children for 90 minutes per week under the surveillance of two women.

While in communist Germany one had to fear governmental repression if one belonged to a church, in today’s Germany, one has to suffer these repressions together with one’s children if one supports shared parenting.

The obvious goal of the judge, who is hostile towards shared parneting, is to prevent the father, i.e. me as editor-in-chief of Freifam, from continuing to publicly support shared parenting on Freifam. The judge used the father’s children as a means of blackmail. It is the unconstitutional, anti-democratic and shameless attempt of a judge to use the children of a person to suppress their political opinion. For this political repression the judge abuses his office in the name of the welfare of the child.

The governmental repression continues to this day, but they do not work. As editor-in-chief of Freifam, I am unshakeably committed to shared parenting and will not be blackmailed by anyone with my children.

Picture (from left to right): Freifam editor-in-chief Sandro Groganz, family judge Dr. Markus Bühler.


  • Sandro Groganz

    Chefredakteur - Ich habe Freifam gestartet, um mit meiner eigenen Situation als geschiedener Vater besser umgehen zu können. Was ich mir von der Seele schrieb, berührte andere Menschen mit ähnlichen Schicksalen. Da erkannte ich, dass Freifam das Potential zu einer neuartigen Bewegung für Familien hat. In diesem Sinne sehe ich mich als Familien-Aktivist.

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