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German Court Rules: Father Endangers His Children By Informing Them About Their Rights


I’m a father of four children (10, 9, and twins 5 years old) who repeatedly told me since April, that they’d love to spend equal time with their parents after divorce – so-called “shared parenting”. Their mother neglected their wish and actively worked against them by keeping them away from me for a total of 18 days.

Hence, I went to the local court in Ulm, Germany and filed a motion for shared parenting. Much to my surprise, the court ruled that I would endanger the well-being of our children if I continued talking with them about shared parenting. The court order states that our children should see their father only under surveillance of two women for 90 minutes per week.

I regard this court order to be a violation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by the United Nations. Living with both parents is a basic right guaranteed by the UN’s convention in various of its articles. Accordingly, I filed a communication to the Committee on the Rights of the Child of the United Nations, which you can find below.

Needless to say that I am shocked about the court’s decision and fear irreparable psychological damage to our children who dearly love their father – why else would they have asked for spending more time with him in a joint hearing with the judge?

I’m deeply grateful for all the people who helped us so far and promised to continue to do so. Thanks to you also on behalf of our children!

Download the Communication in various formats:
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Download “UNO CRC Communication in Case Sandro G. from 2018-11-01” view – 2239-mal heruntergeladen – 135,38 kB

The German version of the Communication is also available online (Deutsche Version).


  • Sandro Groganz

    Chefredakteur - Ich habe Freifam gestartet, um mit meiner eigenen Situation als geschiedener Vater besser umgehen zu können. Was ich mir von der Seele schrieb, berührte andere Menschen mit ähnlichen Schicksalen. Da erkannte ich, dass Freifam das Potential zu einer neuartigen Bewegung für Familien hat. In diesem Sinne sehe ich mich als Familien-Aktivist.

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